Our Mission

Growing upward, inward, and outward.

Faith Baptist Chapel is a family of followers of Jesus Christ who desire to grow upward, inward, and outward. Our mission is to be a people who have a personal relationship with God through Jesus and to grow in that relationship with worship and prayer. We desire to deepen our personal faith through discipleship and fellowship. In turn we are then motivated to reach outward in evangelism and missions.

So, what does our mission mean in non-Chirstian lingo? Basically, we are people who love God and believe that we can have a relationship with Him through Jesus. We thank God for this relationship with singing, praying, and serving. We also think that this relationship is very personal and that we, as individuals, are to get to know God better by studying the Bible, learning about God, and being with others who believe. In turn we can’t keep this relationship a secret, so we are motivated to share about God to those in our sphere of influence and through supporting those who work full-time on the mission field.

That’s us and our mission. Come check us out!